
How do i secure my google chrome browser
How do i secure my google chrome browser

how do i secure my google chrome browser

… You also have the option to use the Chrome browser while signed in to your Google Account, with or without sync enabled. … The personal information that Chrome stores won’t be sent to Google unless you choose to store that data in your Google Account by turning on sync. The basic browser mode stores information locally on your system. In the Settings menu on the left, click Advanced, then Privacy and security. I highly recommend that you disable sign-in and sync, to reduce the amount of data Google collects and stores about you. The settings you see in the People section will depend on whether you’ve allowed Chrome sign-in or sync. We’ll go through the settings in the order they appear. You’ll also see a menu in the top left of the screen for quick navigation to the sections. At the bottom of the Settings screen, you can click Advanced to see more settings. The settings screen will appear, with several sections of settings. In Chrome, click the More icon (3 vertical dots), then click Settings. Google Chrome Security And Privacy Using Its Settings The settings and steps may differ based on the OS and device.

how do i secure my google chrome browser

This guide was last updated for Chrome 78 on a MacBook Pro. You should also check out the Google Account Security & Privacy Guide. If you use Chrome to use Google websites (Gmail, Google Drive, Google Calendar, YouTube, etc.), then Google can collect data from you on all those sites as well, providing much more data than they get from Chrome alone. For those, feel free to keep the default, or choose based on your preferences. The settings and steps are similar for the Chrome mobile apps.įor some settings, I don’t have a recommendation related to security or privacy, so I don’t describe them in this guide. This guide covers the full, desktop version of the Chrome browser. Google Chrome Security And Privacy Extensions.Chrome Privacy and Security: Using Google Chrome Safely.Allow sites to check if you have payment methods saved.Send a “Do Not Track” request with your browsing traffic.Google Chrome Security And Privacy Using Its Settings.

How do i secure my google chrome browser